Web Component: j-AutoComplete

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • jComponent v19|v20
  • works with <input tags only
  • singleton
  • NEW: works with contenteditable attribute
var opt = {};

opt.element = 'YOUR_ELEMENT';

opt.search = function(query, render) {
    // `query` contains a value from the input
    // `render` is a function
    // Here we have to find a datasource and render argument helps with rendering HTML

    AJAX('GET /cities/', { q: query }, render);

    // or e.g.
    // render([{ name: 'Item 1', type: 'Pages' }, { name: 'Item 2', type: 'Widgets' }]);

opt.callback = function(value, input) {
    console.log('---> selected value:', value);
    // input.val('');
// opt.callback {Function}
// OR:
// opt.path {String} a path to variable (for result)

// opf.offsetWidth {Number} "width" offset
// opt.offsetX {Number} "x" offset
// opt.offsetX {Number} "y" offset
// opt.autoselect {Boolean} selects first suggestion automatically (default: false)

SETTER('autocomplete/show', opt);
