Web Component: j-Choose

  • Info
  • HTML
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The component is alternative to CheckboxListExpert and RadioButtonListExpert.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • limit {Number} selection limit, 1 will return a value, >1 will return array of values (default: 1)
  • datasource {String} a path to the datasource (default: empty)
  • required {Boolean} enables validation (default: false)
  • key {String} an identifier key name for the datasource (default: id)
  • attr {String} a data-[attr] for storing of identifier (default: id)
  • selector {String} a jQuery selector for elements (default: .selection)
  • class {String} selected class (default: selected)
  • type {String} converting type, supports string or number (default: string)
  • uncheck {Boolean} allows to uncheck selected value for limit:1 (default: false)
  • disabled {Boolean} disables the component
  • NEW click {String} a link to the function(val) that is evaluted when the user changes the value
