Web Component: j-ClipboardImage

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


This component automaticaly captures images in Clipboard.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • quality {Number} JPEG quality, (default: 90)
  • maxwidth {Number} a maximum width (default: 1024)
  • maxheight {Number} a maximum height (default: 768)
  • exec {String} a link to execute method if the image is obtained
  • disabled {Boolean} can disable this component
  • type {String} output type, supports png or jpg (default)
  • NEW output {String} output type base64 (default) or file

How to capture data?

// Attach event
ON('clipboardimage', function(base64) {
    // We have to send data on the server in Base64 format
    AJAX('POST /upload/', { file: base64 }, function(response) {