Web Component: j-ColorPicker

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • Component is singleton

  • Simple color picker

  • Supports Dark theme

  • jComponent v19|v20


var opt = {};

// opt.offsetX {Number}    : adds X offset (default: 0)
// opt.offsetY {Number}    : adds Y offset (default: 0)
// opt.align {String}      : align `left` (default), `center` or `right`
// opt.position {String}   : position `top` (default) or `bottom`
// opt.opacity {Number}    : converts hex color to RGBA with the opacity e.g. 0.3

opt.element = YOUR_ELEMENT;
// or if you want to use a fixed position:
// opt.x {Number}          : `x` position
// opt.y {Number}          : `y` position

opt.callback = function(color) {
    console.log(color); // callback parameter has string with HEX color (like #bada55)

SETTER('colorpicker/show', opt);
