Web Component: j-Configuration

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • jComponent v19|v20
  • supports dark mode


  • dateformat {String} a default date format (default: DEF.dateformat)


Allowed properties:

  • type {String} supports:
    • string
    • number
    • date
    • boolean
    • dropdown
    • color
    • icon
    • multiline
    • selectable
  • text {String} a text/title
  • name {String} a name of property in the model
  • align {Number} align for inputs (0 left (default), 1 center, 2 right)
  • icon {String} optional, Total JS or font-awesome icon identifier
  • summary {String} optional, a summarization
  • note {String} optional, a note
  • required {Boolean} optional, is the property required?
  • disable {String} optional, declaration of arrow function in the form value.interval === 100
  • visible {String} optional, declaration of arrow function in the form value.interval === 100
  • button {String} optional, creates a small button
  • click {String} optional, a link to the method (depends on the button)
  • maxlength {Number} optional, supports only string type
  • min {Number} optional, supports only number type
  • max {Number} optional, supports only number type
  • increment {Number} optional, an increment count - supports only number type (default: 1)
  • multiple {Boolean} optional, works with selectable type (a value will be array)
  • monospace {Boolean} optional, works with string and number types
  • bold {Boolean} optional, works with string and number types
  • placeholder {String} optional
  • items {String/Object Array} optional for dropdown and selectable in the form [{ id: 'VALUE', name: 'TEXT' }]
    • type string a path to the Object Array (works with scopes)
    • type Object Array fixed defined array
  • dirplaceholder {String} optional, placeholder for j-Directory
  • dirsearch {Boolean} optional, enables/disables search field in j-Directory (default: true)
  • NEW: datasource {String} optional, a path to the data-source for config items

Declaration must be defined in the component's element body wrapped in the <script type="text/plain"> element. Example:

        name: 'My group label',
        type: 'group',
        // summary: 'Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Numquam, nostrum.',
        // icon: 'ti ti-home'
        id: 'name',
        name: 'Application name',
        type: 'string',
        icon: 'ti ti-home',
        disable: 'model => model.interval < 100',
        summary: 'Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Iste eos, illum voluptas assumenda sunt possimus necessitatibus nobis provident dicta deserunt.',
        required: true
    ... other items
