Web Component: j-Confirm

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • easy usage

  • singleton

  • works with Bootstrap

  • supports dark mode

  • modal

  • jComponent v19|v20


SETTER('confirm/show', message, ['Yes', 'No'], function(index) {
    // @index {Number} a button index

    // In this case:
    // index == 0: Yes
    // index == 1: No

SETTER('confirm/show2', message, ['Yes', 'No'], function() {
    // In this case will be the callback executed if the user will click on "yes" button only

A simple styling of buttons

// "Remove" button will be with Font-Awesome icon called: "trash-o"
SETTER('confirm', 'show2', 'Are you sure you want to remove selected item?', ['"trash" Remove', 'Cancel'], REMOVE_FUNCTION);

// "Confirm" button will be "green" with Font-Awesome icon called: "checked-circle"
SETTER('confirm', 'show2', 'Are you sure you want to confirm selected items?', ['"checked-circle" Confirm #2BA433', 'Cancel'], REMOVE_FUNCTION);
