Web Component: j-ContextMenu

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • easy usage for different cases

  • supports 3 orientations left, center and right

  • singleton

  • works with Bootstrap Grid System

  • works with touches

  • jComponent v19|v20


Method: component.show(orientation, targetElement, [items], clickCallback, [offsetX], [offsetY])

  • orientation {String} can be left, center or right
  • targetElement {Selector/jQuery/Element} a target where the component will be visible
  • items {Array} optional and must have this structure: [{ name: String, value: String, icon: String }] otherwise will be items read from the target's data-options attribute.
  • callback(selectedValue) {Function} is triggered when the user clicks on the item
  • offsetX {Number} optional can change offset X
  • offsetY {Number} optional can change offset Y

Method: component.hide()

Attributes: targetElement can contain data-options="Name 1|fa-building|Value 1;Name 2|fa-github|Value 2;" attribut with all items of the context menu.

If the value isn't defined then the component uses name as value.

Global events:

ON('contextmenu', function(visible, component, target) {
    console.log('ContextMenu is', visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
