Web Component: j-ErrorHandler

  • Info
  • HTML
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This component captures the ON('ERROR', function(err event trigger from the ERROR() method and tries to display form more comfortably.

  • jComponent v19|v20
  • easy usage
  • singleton


  • keywords {String} which will be searched in the error messages (default value: 401=login)
    • must be in the form search1=target_property,search2=target_property
  • exec {String} a link to the function(response), output:
    • response.items {String Array}
    • response.message {String}
    • response.keyword_target_property {Boolean} optional, according to the keywords settings

The component tries using j-Message, j-Snackbar, j-NotifyBar or j-Notify for displaying of errors if you don't have defined exec configuration.
