Web Component: j-Exec

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • jComponent v19|v20

The component executes a method when the user clicks on the same element with the exec, exec2, or exec3 class. More information is below. The component is a singleton, and it works for the whole HTML document.


  • Elements can contain data-exec attribut with a method name which will be execute when the user click on the element.
  • Elements can contain data-href attribute and the component performs REDIRECT().


  • data-exec="METHOD_NAME" executes a method when user clicks (supports plugin calls via ? character)
  • data-prevent="true" prevents continuing in the click event
  • data-href="URL" performs REDIRECT()

Attributes for the double click:

  • data-exec2="METHOD_NAME" executes a method when user clicks (supports plugin calls via ? character)
  • data-prevent2="true" prevents continuing in the click event
  • data-href2="URL" performs REDIRECT()

Attributes for the context-menu:

  • data-exec3="METHOD_NAME" executes a method when user clicks (supports plugin calls via ? character)
  • data-href3="URL" performs REDIRECT()

Good to know:

  • the component executes a target function in the form function(element, event)
  • data-exec=, data-exec2=, data-exec3= can contain @METHOD_NAME that will be executed in the current component plugin calls component/METHOD_NAME(element, e)

NEW: Extensions:

SETTER('exec/register', function(exec, el, e, type) {

    // @exec {String} a value from data-exec
    // @el {jQuery element}
    // @e {Event}
    // @type {String} empty '': click, '2': double-click '3': context menu
    // registers a new extension

    if (exec.charAt(0) === '/') {

        EXEC('customplugin/' + exec.substring(1), el, e);

        // "return true" stops the next processing of Exec
        return true;

