Web Component: j-FeedbackButton

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Feedback button

  • jComponent v19|v20
  • singleton
  • universal usage
  • supports background-color change
  • supports left or right position
  • supports expiration time


  • color {String} background color setting (default: #333)
  • position {String} a position, can be left or right (default: right)
  • expire {String} sets the expiration date (default: 3 days)
  • icon {String} a font-awesome icon name (default: fa fa-comment-alt)
  • animate {Boolean} enables animation (default: true)
  • label {String} a label for the button (default: Feedback)
  • url {String} a link to URL address which will be open if the user click on the button
  • or exec {String} a link to method function(hide) which will be executed after click on the button
