Web Component: j-Flow

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • jComponent v19|v20
  • identifiers can't contain __ char


  • width {Number} a width of Flow designer, default: 6000
  • height {Number} a height of Flow designer, default: 6000
  • grid {Number} a size of background grid, default: 25
  • paddingX {Number} internal padding, default: 6
  • curvedlines {Boolean} enables curved lines, default: false
  • infopath {String} a path to variable/method, response: { zoom: Number, selected: Object }
  • undopath {String} a path to variable/method, response is Object array
  • redopath {String} a path to variable/method, response is Object array
  • ondrop {String} a path to method fn(dropmeta, grid)
  • onmake {String} a path to method fn(el, com), it's executed when the component is creating
  • ondone {String} a path to method fn(el, com), it's executed when the component is created
  • onmove {String} a path to method fn(el, com/group, type), it's executed when the component/group is moving
  • onremove {String} a path to method fn(el, com), it's executed when the component is removed
  • onconnect {String} a path to method fn(meta), it's executed when the two components are connected
  • ondisconnect {String} a path to method fn(meta), it's executed when the two components are disconnected
  • NEW onpause {String} a path to method fn(path, is), it's executed when the output/input is paused
  • steplines {Boolean} enables step lines (default: false)
  • animationradius {Number} animation radius in pixels (default: 5)
  • contextmenu {String} a path to function(e, type, component/meta) (type can be map, component or connection)
  • dblclick {String} a path to function(component)
  • outputoffsetX {Number} a default X offset for output point (default: 10)
  • outputoffsetY {Number} a default Y offset for output point (default: 12)
  • inputoffsetX {Number} a default X offset for input point (default: 10)
  • inputoffsetY {Number} a default Y offset for input point (default: 12)
  • snapping {Number} snapping in pixels (default: 0 = disabled)
  • multiple {Boolean} enables multiple selecting of the component (default: true)
  • history {Number} a count of steps in the undo/redo history (default: 100)
  • animationlimit {Number} a maximum count of dots for all animations (default: 100)
  • animationlimitconnection {Number} a maximum count of dots per connection (default: 5)
  • allowpause {Boolean} allows pausing on outputs/inputs (default: true)
  • markers {Boolean} adds arrow markers to the connection (default: true)


  • flow.refresh recalculates positions
  • flow.selected.disconnect disconnects selected connection
  • flow.selected.remove removes selected component
  • flow.selected.clear removes selected component or connection
  • flow.zoom performs zoom, argument: type (can be: in, out, reset or percentage {Number}), second optional argument: percentage
  • flow.undo performs undo step
  • flow.redo performs redo step
  • flow.reset resets editor
  • flow.components.add adds a new component, argument: component_declaration
  • flow.components.find finds a component, argument: component_id
  • flow.clean cleans data and non-exist connections
  • flow.traffic(componentid__outputid, { count: 3, speed: 3, limit: 20, delay: 50, reverse: false }) loads animation
    • reverse animation can be enabled by adding _ as a starting char of identifier _componentid__outputid
  • NEW flow.groups.find finds a group, argument: group_id
  • NEW flow.check a new faster alternative to the flow.refresh command
  • NEW flow.find finds a component or group, argument: component_id or group_id

Adding a new component:

  • the component automatically creates ID of component
  • connections is {Object}
// Component declaration
var component = {
    x: 100,
    y: 50,
    html: 'Component test',

    outputs: ['1 output name', '2 output name'],
    // or
    // outputs: [{ id: 'A', name: 'A output name' }, { id: 'B', name: 'B output name', color: '#FF8E37' }],

    connections: { '0': [{ id: '0002', index: '2', disabled: false }] }, // Look to the connection object below
    // or
    // connections: { 'A': [{ id: '0002', index: 'B', disabled: false }] },

    actions: { select: true, move: true, disabled: false, remove: true, connect: true }

// Appends component
CMD('flow.components.add', component);
// Connection object
    index: '0', // An input index or index id, must be string!!!
    disabled: false // Optional, it's the connection disabled? Disabled connection can't be removed

Flow output:

  • returns Object which keys are ID of components
    'F1562743923216': { x: 1, y: 1, connections: [], ... },
    'F1562743965303': { x: 1, y: 1, connections: [], ... },

    // Contains paused endpoints
    paused: { 'input__COMPONENTID__INDEXID': 1, 'output__COMPONENTID__INDEXID': 1 },

    // Contains groups
    groups: [{ id: 'GroupID', name: 'Name', x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100, background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', color: '#000', border: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)' }, ...];

Good to know:

  • each component (in the Flow) contains f-COMPONENTNAME class
  • selectable class in the component element enables copying text and disables moving
  • connections supports type:"transform" with dashed line
