Web Component: j-ImportCSV

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


Output of this component is mapped array. The component uses j-Directory component.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • IMPORTANT datasource {String} a path to CSV data (String type)
  • skipfirst {Boolean} skips the first parsed line (default: true)
  • notdefined {String} a text for undefined columns (default: ---)
  • parent {String} jQuery selector for obtaining of width/height (default: parent)
  • dirsearch {String} a placeholder for search field (default: Search)
  • margin {Number} a margin for parent (default: 0)
  • marginxs {Number} optional, a top/bottom margin together for xs screen width
  • marginsm {Number} optional, a top/bottom margin together for sm screen width
  • marginmd {Number} optional, a top/bottom margin together for md screen width
  • marginlg {Number} optional, a top/bottom margin together for lg screen width
