Web Component: j-Input

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j-Input is multifuncional input component which supports a lot of features and it's optimized for everyday usage. It's a great alternative to j-Textbox and j-Dropdown. Works only with jComponent +v17.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • type {String} optional, can be email, multiline, checkbox, phone, password, zip, date (needs datepicker component), time (needs timepicker component), color (needs colorpicker component), icon (needs faicons component), emoji (needs emoji component), url, number, number2 (nullable), search, lower, upper, slug, id, NEW: radiobutton or empty (default)
  • required {Boolean} optional, enables "required" (default: false)
  • icon {String} optional, icon for label e.g. home, cog, etc.
  • licon {String} optional, left icon e.g. home, cog, etc.
  • liconclick {String} optional, a path to method function(component, input)
  • ricon {String} optional, right icon e.g. home, cog, etc.
  • riconclick {String} optional, a path to method function(component, input)
  • label {String} optional, a label (default is HTML content)
  • autofocus {Boolean} optional, focuses the input (default: false)
  • align {String} optional, left (default), 2 / right or 1 / center
  • after {String} optional, it means a char after label (default: :)
  • autofill {Boolean/String} optional, enables browser's autofill feature (string will be used as an input name, default: false)
  • placeholder {String} optional, adds a placeholder text into the input
  • maxlength {Number} optional, sets a maximum length of chars (default: 200)
  • minlength {Number} optional, sets a minimum length of chars
  • minvalue {Number} optional, a minimal value for number type
  • maxvalue {Number} optional, a maximal value for number type
  • increment {Number} optional, sets a value for incrementing (default: 1)
  • validate {String} optional, a condition for validating of value, can contain a link to function(value) or !!value.match(/[a-z]+/)
  • format {String} optional, output formatting e.g. for date type: yyyy-MM-dd, for time type: HH:mm, for number you can define max. decimals (Default: auto)
  • disabled {Boolean} optional, disables this component
  • error {String} optional, adds a string text under the component
  • autocomplete {String} optional, needs to contain a link to a function, is triggered on focus event
  • spaces {Boolean} optional, enables spaces otherwise it removes them (default: true)
  • innerlabel {Boolean} optional, enables inner label (default: true)
  • dirsource {String} optional, path to a data-source or NEW to function(search, next) (path must contain / or NEW: id|name,id|name
  • dircustom {String/Boolean} optional, can contain a path to function(val, next(new_val)) or can be Boolean. This option can enable adding a custom value (value not defined in data-source)
  • dirrender {String} optional, a path to function(item, text) (must return HTML for j-Directory), this function can affect list of items in j-Directory
  • dirminwidth {Number} optional, a minimum width for j-Directory, default: 200
  • dirmaxwidth {Number} optional, a maximum width for j-Directory
  • diroffsety {Number} optional, Y offset (default: 0)
  • diroffsetx {Number} optional, X offset (default: 0)
  • dirplaceholder {String} optional, a placeholder for j-Directory
  • dirempty {String} optional, adds an empty field for j-Directory
  • dirkey {String} optional, a key name for reading of text in dirsource (default: name)
  • dirvalue {String} optional, a key name for reading of value in dirsource (default: id)
  • direxclude {Boolean} optional, excludes a current value from j-Directory (default: true)
  • dirsearch {Boolean/String} optional, can disable search in j-Directory (default: true) or {String} (key name) can map a value for searching
  • dirraw {Boolean} optional, can disable escaping of items for j-Directory (default: false)
  • dirdetail {String} optional, a link to the function function(val, next(NEW_TEXT)) (targeted for to dirsource)
  • NEW dirfilter {String} optional, an inline filter conditional method, for example: value.id !== 2 (targeted for to dirsource)
  • mask {String} optional, can contain a mask in the form ###/## (# is replaced for a char)
  • maskregexp {String} optional, can contain RegExp for each char in the form \d,\d,\d,null,\d,\d (, is delimiter)
  • masktidy {Boolean} optional, the component returns only raw chars without fixed chars (default: false)
  • autosource {String} a path to search function in autocomplete, function(search, render(arr))
  • autovalue {String} a property path for the value in autosource, default: name
  • autoexec {String} a path method function(item, next(value_to_input))
  • searchalign {Number} can align icon on type:search to left (2) or right (1, default)
  • forcevalidation {Boolean} enables for force validation for phone and email (default: true)
  • camouflage {Boolean/String} masks the value in the input after is triggered blur event (default: false) or it can be String which will be used as a camouflage
  • monospace {Boolean} enables monospaced font (default: false)
  • multiple {Boolean} enables checkboxes if dirsource is not empty
  • tabindex {Number} adds a tabindex (default: 0)
  • tabs {Boolean} enables tabs for multiline (default: true)
  • readonly {Boolean} block text field edition (default: false)
  • NEW: transform {String} a link to the function(value, config) for transforming of entered values
  • NEW: multiline {Boolean} works only with radiobutton type


  • type:date needs datepicker component
  • type:time needs timepicker component
  • dirsource:path.to.datasource needs directory component
  • if licon or ricon starts with ! then the component render a raw value instead of icon
  • ui-input-ok class is binded when the input is validated and filled
  • SET('path', 'camouflage', 'show'); shows the value for 2000 ms
