Web Component: j-Layout2

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • This component is a much simple component compared to j-Layout.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • parent {String} can contain parent, window or jQuery selector for the closest method (default: window)
  • margin {Number} adds margin for the height (default: 0)
  • autoresize {Boolean} enables auto-resize (default: true)


  • IMPORTANT component.show(type) can show a specific panel for mobile devices, type can be left, right or main
  • component.resizescrollbar(panel_type) resizes a scrollbar for a specific panel
  • component.scrolltop(panel_type) scrolls to top for a specific panel

Panel types:

  • left left panel
  • right right panel
  • top top panel (it's panel on top of all panels)
  • top2 top panel and uses top key in the config (it is between left and right panel)
  • bottom bottom panel (it's panel on bottom of all panels)
  • bottom2 bottom panel and uses bottom key in the config (it is between left and right panel)
  • main main content


Making of layout is very easy.

<div data-type="" data-size="" data-scrollbar=""></div>


  • data-type must contain a type of section top, top2 ,left, right, bottom, bottom2 or main
  • data-size contains a size of section LG,MD,SM,XS --> in pixels or percentage, example: 200,200,200,0 (0 means hidden) or 20% (all values will inherit 20%)
  • data-scrollbar="margin:50;visible:1" enables scrollbar, possible values:
    • selector {String} optional, jQuery selector for scrollbar container
    • margin {Number} scrollbar margin (default: 0)
    • visible {Boolean} shows the scrollbar

Good to know:

  • learn from example
  • each panel is section element and must contain data-type="top" attribute with type of panel
  • define panels only which you will use
  • ordering of all section elements isn't important
