Web Component: j-Markdown

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  • jComponent v19|v20

This component contains only Markdown parser.


  • highlight {Boolean} enables auto-syntax highlighter (default: true)
  • charts {Boolean} enables Apex charts rendering (default: false)

Markdown settings:

var opt = {};

  • opt.wrap = true wraps the output with <div class="markdown">YOUR_MARKDOWN</div>
  • opt.linetag = 'p' a default new line tag
  • opt.ul = true enables unordered/ordered lists
  • opt.code = true enables custom codes
  • opt.images = true enables images
  • opt.links = true enables links
  • opt.formatting = true enables basic text formatting
  • opt.icons = true enables Font-Awesome icons via :home: or :cog:
  • opt.tables = true enables tables
  • opt.br = true enables new lines via <br>
  • opt.emptynewline = true empty lines will be rendered as empty lines
  • opt.headlines = true enables headlines
  • opt.hr = true enables page breaks
  • opt.blockquotes = true enables blockquotes < blockqote
  • opt.custom = function(line) { return line; } a custom parser for each processed line
  • opt.html = function(line, type) { return line; } a custom parser for each post-processed line
  • opt.sections = true enables sections > section
  • opt.footnotes = true enables footnotes #1: foot note description and usage in links [link](#1)
  • opt.urlify = true converts URL addresses to links
  • opt.keywords = true parses keywords in the form {keyword}(type)
  • opt.noredraw = true skips redrawing of code/video/section/block parts (default: false)
  • opt.element {jQuery} HTML element that will be used as a default element in FUNC.markdownredraw()
  • NEW: opt.bookmarks {Boolean} enables/disables creating headline bookmarks id="" (default: true)
  • NEW: opt.prefix {String} a prefix for bookmarks (default: empty)

Good to know:

  • images will be with img-responsive class
  • images with ![+Image description](URL) will be formatted as an inline image
  • images with ![-Image description](URL) will be rendered as an inline image with class gallery instead of img-responsive
  • all links are with _target="_blank" attribute
  • markdown registers FUNC.markdownredraw(jQuery_selector, [markdown_options]) for prerendering of Markdown dynamic elements like code highlight, videos or charts
  • secret section is defined like code with syntax secret
  • class markdown-small can decrease font sizes
  • event ON('markdown', function(el, opt) {}) is executed if the markdown is pre-rendered (el {jQuery} is <body element in most cases)
  • components registers Thelpers.markdown([opt]) helper
  • NEW: every rendered line contain markdown-line class and data-line="line_number" attribute

Toggleable section:

::: Section name
Another markdown content

