Web Component: j-Masonry

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A simple Masonry component. The component renders an Array according to the display size to columns.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • lg {Number} (large display) column width in percentage (default: 25)
  • md {Number} (medium display) column width in percentage (default: 33.33)
  • sm {Number} (small display) column width in percentage (default: 50)
  • xs {Number} (extra-small display) column width in percentage (default: 100)
  • NEW vdom {String} optional, an item jQuery selector for virtual dom comparing
  • NEW vdomattr {String} optional, an attribute name for comparing virtual dom elements (values from the attribute will be compared between each other)

Tangular model:

  • value {Object} contains a raw value from the array
  • index {Number} a current processed row within the column
  • column {Number} a current column index
  • counter {Number} a current index of processed item within the array
