Web Component: j-Page

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


This component can handle different contents asynchronously. The component has same functionality like j-Part. If the element doesn't contain any content then the component downloads the content according to the url defined in configuration.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • url {String} required, a relative URL address
  • if {String} required, condition, it's compared with the value within of path (NEW: supports multiple paths divided by the comma)
  • reload {String} optional, a link to function function(init) {}, it's executed when the page is visible (always)
  • hidden {String} optional, a link to function, it's executed when the page is hidden (always)
  • init {String} optional, a link to function, it's executed when the page is visible and onetime
  • default {String} optional, a short alias for DEFAULT(default)
  • hide {Boolean} optional, auto-hide element if the if condition is not valid (default: true)
  • cleaner {Number} optional, idle time (in minutes) for running of cleaning (default: 0)
  • clean {String} optional, a link to function, it's executed before the page is cleaned
  • loading {Boolean} optional, enables loading via SETTER('loading') (default: true)
  • path {String} optional, the component replace all ~PATH~ and CLASS phrases for the value of the path in the downloaded template
  • replace {String} optional, a link to method function(content) { return content } which can modify downloaded template
  • absolute {Boolean} optional, enables absolute position (default false)
  • check {String} optional, a link to function function(next) { next(); }, it's executed when the page is wanting to show
  • invisible {Boolean} enables adding of invisible class when the page is going to hide (default: false)
  • delay {Number} a delay (in ms) for removing of invisible class and hiding of loading (default: 500)
  • autofocus {Boolean/String} focuses the first input, textarea (default: false)
  • delayloading {Number} a delay (in ms) for hiding of of loading (default: 800)
  • id {String} a custom identifier for replacing ~ID~ phrases in the imported HTML (default: empty)

Good to know 1:

  • all CLASS and ~PATH~ phrases will be replaced by config.path or config.if automatically
  • all ~ID~ phrases will be replaced by config.id automatically

Good to know 2:

Page component emits an event in the form: pages. + config.if for extending of pages. This can be very usefull for some plugin systems. Example:

Good to know 3:

If the page component isn't within scope then the value from the config.if will replace ? characters in all config keys.

ON('pages.YOURIFCONDITION', function(element, pagecomponent) {
    // It's executed only when the page is initialized