Web Component: j-Parts

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


This content can handle multiple parts stored in the Array and focus on one specific part. It simulates something like browser tabs.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • parent {String} parent area due to part size (default: auto)
  • margin {Number} vertical margin (default: 0)
  • create {String} a link to the function(part), it's executed if the part is created (called once)
  • focus {String} a link to the function(part), it's executed if the part is focused
  • close {String} a link to the function(part), it's executed if the part is closed

Good to know 1:

  • all ~PATH~ phrases will be replaced by item.path automatically
  • all ~ID~ phrases will be replaced by item.id automatically

Item specification:

  • item.id {String} very important, part identifier
  • item.blur {String/Function(el, item)} optional, a link to the function(element, item) if the part is focused out
  • item.focus {String/Function(el, item)} or item.reload {String} optional, a link to the function(element, item) if the part is focused
  • item.remove {String/Function(el, item)} optional, a link to the function(element, item) if the part is removed
  • item.html {String} a HTML content or use item.url
  • item.import {String} URL address for the part content
  • item.path {String} optional, it replaces all ~PATH~ phrases automatically
  • item.delay {Number} a delay for removing of invisible class
  • NEW item.attrd {Object} adds data-key attributes into the item element

Extendend by the component:

  • item.focused {Boolean} determines if the part is focused or not
  • item.element {jQuery} part element


  • component.close(id) closes part
  • component.focus(id) focuses part
  • component.rename(id, name, [icon]) renames part