Web Component: j-Planner

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • please try to understand the functionality

Data-source needs to contain:

    items: [{ id: '12345', name: 'A name of plan', dtbeg: NOW.add('-5 days'), dtend: NOW.add('3 days'), progress: 30, color: '#5385EA', title: 'A tooltip' }, ...] // items
    year: 2019


  • days {String} pluralization for days (optional, default: # days,# day,# days,# days)
  • exec {String} a path to variable or method function(item, el), it's evaluated if the user will click on the item
  • scroll {String} a path to variable or method function(y), it's evaluated if the user will scroll planner
  • parent {String} optional, a container with fixed width/height, can be window. Default value: parent element.)
