Web Component: j-Preview

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


This component resizes the picture automatically according to the settings and uploads it to the server in base64 format.

  • jComponent v19|v20
  • response from server needs to contain URL address to the picture
  • easy usage
  • works with Bootstrap Grid System
  • drag and drop support
  • supports EXIF orientation


The value/response (from the upload) will be used as a URL address for preview.


  • url {String} (IMPORTANT) upload URL, can contain a method too (required)
  • width {Number} a picture width (required)
  • height {Number} a picture height (required)
  • percentage {Number} resizes a picture according to the percentage (then width and height aren't required)
  • icon {String} (optional) the label icon without ti, (default: null)
  • background {String} (optional) a background color, it can be transparent (default: white)
  • schema {String} prepared object for sending (default: {file:base64,filename:filename}, base64 + filename is a value from preview)
  • quality {Number} JPEG quality (default: 90)
  • customize {Boolean} resizes picture to the defined size (default: true)
  • preview {String} prepares a value preview URL address (default: null)
    • example: value => '/download/' + value + '.jpg'
  • map {String} prepares response value to a value (default: null)
    • example: value => value.id
  • empty {String} a link to the empty image
  • keeporiginal {Boolean} keeps the original image if the dimension is the same as the width/height defined in the configuration (default: false)
  • NEW output {String} output type base64 (default) or file
  • NEW convert {String} an image type jpg (default) or png
  • NEW exec {String} a path to the method function(next(url)) (it prevents file upload dialog)
  • NEW center {Boolean} aligns the image and label to the center


  • component.reupload() it reuploads a current image value as a base64.
