Web Component: j-Prompt

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


The component (singleton) displays a prompt window with a simple textbox.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • zindex {Number} optional (default: 12)
  • width {Number} optional, max. width (default: 400)
  • cancel {String} optional, label for the cancel button (default: Cancel)
  • submit {String} optional, label for the submit button (default: OK)


var opt = {};
opt.name = 'A title'; // optional
opt.summary = 'A small sumarization'; // optional
opt.value = ''; // a default value, optional
// opt.type = 'password'; // it can change an input type (default: `text`)
// opt.width = config.width; // max. width, optional
// opt.zindex = config.zindex; // a custom zindex, optional
// opt.centered = true; // centers the window to the middle of the screen

opt.cancel = function(val) {
    // @val {String}
    // prompt is canceled

opt.callback = function(val) {
    // @val {String}
    // changed

opt.hide = function() {
    // prompt is hidden/closed

SETTER('prompt/show', opt);
