Web Component: j-Releaser

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


The component can release after some time own content (DOM) + memory. We recommend to use it for j-DataGrid, j-CodeMirror, j-CloudEditor, etc..


  • if {String} must contain a value for comparing with the model
  • delay {Number} delay for removing of invisible class (default: 500)
  • release {Number} delay for releasing of the content in idle time (default: 10000)
  • bindvisible {Boolean} it evalutes the content if the component is visible (default: false)
  • released {String} a link to the function(component_element) when the content is released
  • render {String} a link to the function(component_element) when the content is going to render


<ui-component name="releaser" path="common.form" config="if:userform">
    <script type="text/html">
        <ui-component name="datagrid" path=".......">
            <SCR type="text/html">
                YOUR COLUMNS
