Web Component: j-SearchData

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


This component tries to filter data according to the search phrase.

  • jComponent v19|v20


  • datasource {String} required - a path to the data-source with list of items Array
  • output {String} required - a path for filtered items
  • key {String} required - a key/property name for searching (default: name)
  • delay {Number} a delay (default: 50 ms)
  • splitwords {Boolean} tries to find word in various position (default: true)

Good to know:

This component adds classes below automatically when:

  • class ui-search-used is added when the user searches for something
  • class ui-search-empty is added when the user searches for something and at the same time nothing was found
