Web Component: j-Sticker

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • jComponent v19|v20


  • on {String} this class is enabled when the scroll top position is greater than this element Y position
  • off {String} this class is enabled when the scroll top position is smaller than this element Y position
  • margin {Number} a margin which will be deducted from the top position of the current element
  • xs {Boolean} enables sticker for extra small display (default: false)
  • sm {Boolean} enables sticker for small display (default: true)
  • md {Boolean} enables sticker for medium display (default: true)
  • lg {Boolean} enables sticker for large display (default: true)
  • type {String} a method name for obtaining of position offset (default) or position
  • marginparent {Number} a margin for parent scrolling (default: 0)
  • parent {String} optional, a parent selector (look to example for understanding)
  • NEW: minheight {Number} a minimal height of scroll area for applying of classes
