Web Component: j-ViewBox

  • Info
  • HTML
  • JS
  • CSS
  • Meta


  • jComponent v19|v20
  • keeps a fixed percentage height
  • great usage for intranet applications
  • supports releasing


  • height {Number} a percentage of height
  • disabled {Boolean} optional, can disable content with the layer
  • parent {String} optional, a container with fixed height, can be window. Default value: parent element.
  • minheight {Number} a minimal height in pixels (default: 0 - disabled)
  • scroll {Boolean} enables vertical scrolling (default: false - disabled)
  • scrollbar {Boolean} shows scrollbar (default: true)
  • delay {Number} msec. resizes the box again if the value is changed according to the path (default: 100)
  • visibleY {Boolean} still shows the Y scrollbar (default: false)
  • visibleX {Boolean} still shows the X scrollbar (default: false)
  • scrollto {String} scrolls to top/bottom automatically if the path is changed (default: EMPTY, can be top or bottom)
  • margin {Number} optional, a top/bottom margin together (supports auto which is counted from offset.top, default: 0)
  • marginxs {Number} optional, a top/bottom margin together for xs screen width
  • marginsm optional, a top/bottom margin together for sm screen width
  • marginmd optional, a top/bottom margin together for md screen width
  • marginlg optional, a top/bottom margin together for lg screen width
  • invisible {Boolean} if true then viewbox sets invisible class when is rendering (default: true)
  • scrollbarshadow {Boolean} if true then the custom scrollbars will contain vertical shadow (default: false)
  • initdelay {Number} removes the inivisible class after specified time (default: 250 ms)
  • centered {Boolean} enables vertical and horitonzal centering for the content (default: false)
  • resizedelay {Number} delay for resizing (default: 200)
  • NEW: togglescrolled {String} a DOM selector for the parent elements (it appends ui-viewbox-scrolled class when the viewbox is scrolled)


  • component.scrolltop(val) scrolls Y
  • component.scrollbottom(val) scrolls Y from bottom side
  • component.resize() resizes the container (it reacts on resize events automatically)
  • component.resizescrollbar() resizes custom scrollbar (targeted for special cases)
